



Would you like a cup of tea?

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T2, a new tea experience…

T2 is the best tea concept store that I’ve never visited! Actually, it’s the only finished tea store that I know.

T2 is Australia’s leading tea retailer, offering the country’s largest range of premium, fragrant tea and tea wares from all around the globe.

Contrary to other tea brands, T2 is close to its customers and is developing an immersive and unique relationship with. When you enter in its stores, you discover several tastes, colors… The branding is unique, smart and minimalist to create the focus on the product: delicious tea. Most of all, when you enter in T2 store, all your senses are waking up! You can drink the new ones, you can touch tea’s components, you can smell tea’s fragrances, and enjoy the tea-making.

We are thrilled to be launching our first T2 store in London,” says Maryanne. “Shoreditch reminds me of Fitzroy where we opened our very first store in Australia in the 90s. It’s long been a dream to take T2 to the world’s most avid and sophisticated tea drinkers, so we’re excited to finally be in London, and we look forward to introducing Londoners to the way we do tea.

Star or end you day with a T2 moment.